The Future of Mobile Gaming

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Tokens, Trophies, Medals, Armor. This might be some of the first things that popped into your head when thinking of the origin of gaming. I don't even think Marty McFly and Doc could have predicted how fast gaming has evolved and grown to what it is…

Tokens, Trophies, Medals, Armor. This might be some of the first things that popped into your head when thinking of the origin of gaming. I don't even think Marty McFly and Doc could have predicted how fast gaming has evolved and grown to what it is today. But how can we know where we will go if we never knew where we started ?

Maps, Chips, Dice, Cards.

Personally, my favorite was the snacks. Some of you are fortunate enough to have friends and family who also love participating in games. Family Game Night with a bowl of chips, some candy and a great time. War, Dungeons and Dragons, or Gloomhaven. Competition imagination and cards create entire worlds with Queens, Storm Giants and even a Tinkerer.

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Live Doing What You Love. Live Gaming.”

To little Lukesh down the road who can bring his Nintendo Switch over to Tony’s house to play Paper Mario, they will not know what it USED to be like. For our parents and that era, board games were the ONLY option.

Several studies and even our analytics show the average gamer is in their 30’s but I think toddlers and elementary age girls and boys are not far behind. Those of you who have seen one of these future gamers in action know that these tiny competitor…

Several studies and even our analytics show the average gamer is in their 30’s but I think toddlers and elementary age girls and boys are not far behind. Those of you who have seen one of these future gamers in action know that these tiny competitors have skills !!


Do you remember Fruit Ninja ? Or Temple Run ? If you have not heard of Roblox, just know that it has been HUGE for bringing family and friends together. Dads playing with their daughters. Cousins connecting during quarantine. Games are the glue !

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Technology has been the leader for this growth. We have come a LONG WAY from board games and cards. Virtual Reality is here in 2020. The technology has become more crisp and efficient. Devices are developed to be compatible with multiple operating systems. The great news is Player Epic is 5G compatible. This helps tremendously for decreasing latency and most importantly, improving the overall mobile gaming experience. Who will be the one to predict the future of gaming ?

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Did you hear which fantasy-themed action role-playing video game is hitting the silver screen in 2021 ? That is right, Monster Hunter. That is only possible because of awesome fans and supporters like you ! We can't forget HOW we got to this point. As we move forward into the future of mobile gaming we cannot forget the old cards, creators and characters along the way.

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WE ARE The Future of Mobile Gaming …


Beta Launch


Fitness Initiative