Live Doing What You Love. Live Gaming.
Heroic, Grand, Monumental, EPIC. That is what we are building here at our studios. It is already in the seventh month into the year and the quarantine lock down is still part of our every day lives.
Social distancing hasn’t been too terrible for everyone. For those of you who have been building your network and fan base, having to stay home has only helped your following. Live Doing What You Love. Live Gaming.
According to a report that was written March 17 by Verizon, American video game use has increased 75 percent since social distancing guidelines were put into effect nationally. By April 9, that number increased to 115 percent. I’m sure you know someone who decided to start streaming or dusted off their old XBOX or was gifted a new Nintendo Switch during this quarantine.
“Why are more people gravitating to gaming? ”
With every state having different restrictions, its safe to say that 2020 has been an interesting year. Global Pandemic, Nationwide shutdown, shortages, Police brutality protests, killer bees, elections and just every day life. The school year and summer plans have been put on hold and social distancing requirements have been enforced at all extracurricular activities.
Competing online gives fans and athletes a way to still interact with friends and family from the comfort of their own home. Some of the virtual settings give a nice break from the 24 hour media reel that has plastered our TV and phone screens for the last few months.
Live Doing What You Love. Live Gaming.
In some cases, gaming acts as a certain level of therapy. It is a digital escape to occupy your mind. With the current state of our country there may be some people silently suffering in quarantine. Anxiety, for example, is defined as a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.
According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older. Gaming therapy is something that has been used for youth patients and helps to reduce stress. Therapists can now consider using video games as tools to use in treatment.
Serious gamers all have one thing in common, they are consistent.
We are building Player Epic from the ground up to be the ultimate online ecosystem for eSports participants. Members on this platform can choose from a number of memberships including gaming, being a fan, coaching and training.
Our game-changing player platform will solve the problem of concentrating the eSports industry. Income producing opportunities for aspiring eSports participants are provided as well as a competitive outlet for individuals who are physically unable to participate in sporting events.
The platform will provide an alternative for parents who do not want their kids to play contact sports and the fitness mandate will be a solution to counteract the gaming environment of sitting for extended periods of time and poor posture.